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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Which incident in this novel appears most interesting to you and why?

Which incident in this novel appears most interesting to you and why?
 Ans: The most interesting incident in this novel is what the novelist call forcing of the trap. It depicts to the reader the daring attempt made by Rassendyll, Sapt, Fritz and their party to rescue the king from the castle of Zenda where he was kept as a prisoner by the Duke of Strelsan. Hard work was required to free the king from the clutches of the Duke, who was bent upon getting the throne, even if it necessitated the murder of the king, Sapt and Fritz who were staunch supporters of the king and were determined to free him, but this was impossible only if bold step were taken to achieve the purpose.

There were two alternatives for them. They could launch a direct attack on the castle and openly declare war against Duke and free the king by using armed forces. This was a risky step because it would have given publicity to what they did. They wanted to keep whole enterprise a secret and this forced them to use a small band of friend who could be expected to keep the secret. Thus the whole procedure depended upon the bravery and courage of the small number of men who actively participated in it. The crossing of the moat and final entry into castle were difficult. In this enterprise Rudolf Rassendyll without whom. the king's party would have suffered a sure defeat played the most important part. Inside the castle were the six servants of the Duke. They were his trusted friend and helpers. It was not an easy task to fight these dare devils and great credit goes to Rassendyll that he not only fought against them but also defeated them. Thus it was he who saved the life of the king and restored to him the throne of Rassendyll. So the freeing the king is an important incident in the novel.