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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Education is light

Education is light and without education a man can not progress it is also
 said that education is the third eye of the man.if you wants to destroy any
 nation 'destroy its education our holy prophet (P.B.U.H) also laid stress upon
 seeking education .he said that  seek knowledge from cradle to grave  he further
 said seek knowledge if you have to go to china once he said knowledge is my weapon .
(1) responsibilities of the students.
Its is the duty of the studentt that he must be regular attendtive 'sincere 'dedicated
 and willing to learn it is obligatory for him.because he is the main componenet of this
 whole process of education
(2) Resposibilities  of the teacher.
Teacher plays a vital role in the field of education .he must be sincere punctual and
regular  he must build his character because it is a teacher who is followed by his students
.if he is good he will create respectable citizen and peaceful society.
(3) responsibilities of the parents
It will not be wrong if we say parents are trees.paraents should check the work of the
 students every day .they should also keep contact with the teacher and the school
 administration .A students who remains five hours in the school and ninteen hours in
 the  home so  it is the responsibility of the parents to share all difficulties and problems
 with the teacher .
(4)responsibilities of the administraction.
No doubt administraction plays an important role in the  improvement of education .
It must be co-operative sincere and honest .it should introduce differents programmes
 and extra curriculan activeties in the school  so that students keep interest in the education.
(5) role of the politicians
The main cause of the destruction of government should appoint the illegible teachers
 on the merit bases specially on the primary level  because the primary education is the
 backbone of any education system