new update tips

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Women play a great role in human progress and have an important place in society. They are not inferior to man They are capable of sharing, the responsibilities of life shoulder to shoulder with man. Man and woman have been rightly compared to the wheels of a carriage. The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. For this she has to bear many hardships. She gives birth to children, feeds them and helps them to grow up. It is quite true that great men have great mothers. The progress of nation depen is upon the way the mothers bring up their children. If wc nen are educated, the society is bound to progress and prosper.
Women have always played an important role in the development of nation. In the early days of Islam women worked side by side with men. In the battle field they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and in certain cases even fought bravely Islam ensures the essential human dignity and fundamental equality of women. From practical aspect it is the only way of life which by virtue of its unprecedented traditional heritage contemplates each person as a separate individual with well defined rights and responsibilities both to his creator and to each other; irrespective of whether, the individual is man or a woman. It has for the first time in the history of mankind taught humanity how to recognize women as respectable individuals equal to and at the same
time distinct from men with additional privileges that fit the weaker sex according to their biological requirements.
As Pakistan is an Islamic country so the women enjoy those rights which have been granted to them by Islam. They have share in property of father and husbands. They have right to education. They have right to employment, they have right to vote and they have right to marriage as well as divorce. Women have been elected to parliament; women have been appointed ministers and even Prime Minister.
As I have mentioned above the women have an important role in every society. But still most of the womern are backward and uneducated. So it is necessary that women should be given proper edueation ard training Educated women can do much to root out social evils and reform the society. A great many antisocial persons come from families who are illiterate and poor, and cannot bring up their children properly. Educated women can do a great service to the nation by good management of their homes. No doulbt women have other responsibilities in a societsy but their main responsibility is to their homes. She is to look after the home and manage it to the best of her ability She should not neglect her duties as wife or mother. If she does so the society will go to dogs.

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